Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Shirt Off My Dew-back

Leading off, the club’s official e-mail address:

We’ve created this account dedicated to all things California Vintage. So, for those who would like to join the official club mailing list, please send an e-mail with the phrase “mailing list” in the subject line and your full name in the body of the message, and I’ll add you to the group mailing contact list. This will be a primary source for announcements regarding specific details of club meeting locations, contact information, and a means of personal communication with me or whomever may be taking charge in the future.

Batting second, the official CAVSWCC Club T-shirt (designed by the master of swag, Barth Paine):

A limited number of these shirts are being made and we’re offering them to club members at no cost. They will also be available to non-CA folks for $10.

To request a shirt, please send an e-mail to the address with the size you’d like. They are available in XXL, XL, L, M & S (club members sending the “mailing list” message can include t-shirt request information as well). Skye will be bringing these shirts to Celebration 5 for distribution to those in attendance, and for those unable to make it to the convention, we’re tentatively planning on sending them out before the next club meeting (stay tuned for further information).

More news on the horizon….

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sending out an RSS

I'll be quite honest in saying that I'm not too savvy when it comes to blogging and the internet in general, but I'm learning as I go.

A suggestion was made to set up an RSS feed, and I sought Lobarth's aid. Posted below is the URL for your readers. Let us know of any trouble and I'll do my best to get things straight!