Sunday, November 14, 2010
Legends of the Fall
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Glendale Gathering

It looks like we've got a tentative time and place for the next club meeting!
It will be held in Glendale, CA on Saturday, November 13th. Huge thanks to Mark Enright (and family) for hosting. The get-together will likely begin in the early afternoon and stretch until sometime in the evening.
For those Californians interested in joining the mailing list and or attending, please send an email to with your full name and location (and Rebelscum screen name if you have one) and you'll be in the loop for details about the event as the date draws closer.
Looking forward to talking shop with the mastermind of Mortar Heads and enjoying good beer, good food, and great company.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Fall / Winter 2010 Meeting
As life’s chaos continues (back to work, starting a graduate program and potentially moving), I’m reaching out to my fellow California Vintage brethren to reassure (or reassess?) that the CAVSWCC is still alive and well. Celebration V was an absolute blast. It was great being able to see some of you again, as well as meeting several for the first time. The club’s official t-shirts were an absolute hit (be proud, Barth!). Rest assured, those who requested a shirt beforehand have one set safely aside…
Which brings me to my next point. It’s about time that we had another meeting. I’ve been compiling an official mailing list, but there are still some of you that I do not have an e-mail address for. So, if you’d like to join, please send an e-mail to and I’ll be sure to get you on there.
With the last meeting taking place up north, the club’s past trend would lead towards a Southern CA meeting next. An idea that Barth and I discussed was trying to plan at least one meeting in each region per year, set well in advance so that as many members as possible could attend. When thinking about it, that’s about how many we had before. Of course, the more the better (several informal get-togethers would be great as well).
As far as the date, I was thinking that one of the following Saturdays may work, depending on everyone’s schedules:
November 6th, 13th, 20th
December 11th, 18th
For me personally (and anyone else that may be involved with school), the December dates would be ideal in terms of having a break. But, I want to hear everyone’s input and whichever date seems best is the one we’ll go with. Also, if there's anyone that would be willing to host, please let me know.
Regarding the shirts, I’m happy to mail them out to whomever would like theirs before the meeting or for those who won’t be able to make it. Otherwise, I’ll plan on bringing them to the meeting and handing them out there. So, just let me know what you all think and we’ll go from there!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Celebration V & A Brief Hiatus

Hi everyone,
Well, the time has come. I'll be leaving for Orlando in about 48 hours and couldn't be more excited. I've caught up with all club t-shirt requests as of today, and am looking forward to seeing those that will be attending.
For those attending:
Feel free to find us at the Collectors Social Hour in room Room W303 ABC at 7pm at the end of the first day of Collector Panels, as this is where we're planning on distributing the shirts.
For those that aren't able to make it, rest assured, your dewbaximus californius shirts will be finding their way to you soon. After CV, I'll be away from civilization for the rest of August on a backpacking trip, but when I return we'll be working on setting up the next CAVSWCC meeting and sorting out the shirt delivery details.
Until then, all the best!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Shirt Off My Dew-back
We’ve created this account dedicated to all things California Vintage. So, for those who would like to join the official club mailing list, please send an e-mail with the phrase “mailing list” in the subject line and your full name in the body of the message, and I’ll add you to the group mailing contact list. This will be a primary source for announcements regarding specific details of club meeting locations, contact information, and a means of personal communication with me or whomever may be taking charge in the future.
Batting second, the official CAVSWCC Club T-shirt (designed by the master of swag, Barth Paine):
A limited number of these shirts are being made and we’re offering them to club members at no cost. They will also be available to non-CA folks for $10.
To request a shirt, please send an e-mail to the address with the size you’d like. They are available in XXL, XL, L, M & S (club members sending the “mailing list” message can include t-shirt request information as well). Skye will be bringing these shirts to Celebration 5 for distribution to those in attendance, and for those unable to make it to the convention, we’re tentatively planning on sending them out before the next club meeting (stay tuned for further information).
More news on the horizon….
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sending out an RSS
A suggestion was made to set up an RSS feed, and I sought Lobarth's aid. Posted below is the URL for your readers. Let us know of any trouble and I'll do my best to get things straight!